Friday, June 17, 2011


Open your eyes and see the glory of the Lord. Now you know the conflict that most people are blind to. They walk in the flesh and they fight in the flesh. You have been freed from this conflict for now you can see the flesh for what it is and fight it in your spirit. This is a walk which is what the Bible calls a walk in the spirit. In this walk you can discern right from wrong. You no longer defend the flesh but die to it. Each opportunity you see enables you to die to those old ways of thinking and doing. You have come to the place of spiritual warfare where you fight the flesh with spiritual weapons and not earthly weapons. You recognise that you are in a spiritual battle. The Lord has allowed you to travel this long journey so that you would learn how wicked the flesh is. Jesus came to save you from your flesh life. The flesh life always seeks to satisfy its own desires. This is why you can’t walk in the flesh and the spirit. In the spirit you have victory over the flesh. The more you walk in the spirit the less you will desire the things of the flesh. God is at work in you by His Spirit who lives in you. All the fears of the flesh melt away as you walk in the spirit. This is your spiritual home. In Him you have everything you need to fight this battle of the flesh. Be filled in the spirit today and live.

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