Friday, June 24, 2011


Your mind is the vehicle through which God speaks to you. Therefore clear your mind and make space for him. As you wait in silence He will sow His thoughts into you. These are thoughts which you know are from another source as they switch a light bulb in you. This is the way you know that it is God. Watch for those spontaneous thoughts. Then write them down so that you can then test them against scripture and other ways of testing it including looking for evidence of it in manifestation. When you have asked look for signs to conform as Gideon did with his wool. God loves this for you are putting your faith into action. If it is of God then He will confirm His word with signs. If it is not then it will just fade away. Let your vision take form. This means that there will be evidence for these in responses from others as well as in your inner conviction of the same. It will so possess you that nothing else will matter. God’s vision always possesses because it is a calling from God. This calling is backed by His power. You need power to exercise vision. It becomes your mission and then the dream is realised. There is a process that takes place but as long as you know it is from God then you know that He is with you all the way. In this world you will face opposition to God’s dream. This is good for then your dream will make you strong and able to stand the course. Always keep the vision in front of you and you will never lose sight of it.

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