Sunday, November 06, 2011


Precious are the moments that open up new vistas of knowledge and experience when you are present in the moment. The moment is the most precious place to be when you walk in conscious presence. His presence in you enables you to be present and alive. Most people are on automatic pilot and their brains just operate in automatic mode. There is nothing new because it is all the old programs that are working in the present. When you live in His presence then new thoughts and ideas flow in and disrupt the old patterns. These old patterns are like old friends and provide a sense of false security. They are false because they are routine and nothing new. Being alive means to experience each moment as new. It is living life to the full. To hear the sound and see the sights in a new way is to be present. This means walking in the now and not in the past. How you live each day determines how you grow and mature. This is why it is good to die to self because self always wants to be in charge. Self is in charge by building its own program and sticking to it. It never changes because it is in a prison of its own making. It prefers to be in control even if it is in a prison. Death to self or the ego releases you from these repetitive thoughts and feelings and releases you into risky living.

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