Saturday, November 05, 2011


We are all reflections of the people we closely associate with. This may come across as a surprise but it is true. One sees this in close relationships like husband and wife. The wife reflects her husband and vice versa. We reject the parts that we see in others but fail to notice that we reject those parts of us that we see in others. A controlling wife will see her refection in her husband and reject him. The relationship becomes toxic when we try to control those reflections. God placed us together for a purpose and that is to refine us through each other. The moment we see that the other is a reflection of me then we stop blaming and start changing. When I change then my reflection changes. Just like a mirror that reflects my image so also wife/husband reflects me. This insight is what brings about change. You stop blaming the other and begin to work on changing yourself so that you reflect a different image. In this is the healing process not in changing the other but yourself. Your reflection should help you to know what needs to be changed. Therefore I am the change I need to see. I will see love when I am loving. I see patience when I am patient. I am the change I want to see. Help me Lord to be Christ so that I see your reflection in others.

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