Saturday, November 26, 2011


The Lord bless you and keep you. His face shine upon you and give you peace. The Lord is good and He always comes through in your time of need. He is your Supplier of all your needs. He offers you comfort when you are troubled and He gives you healing for your body. He is a friend at all times and in all places. The Lord is God and He cannot be limited to times and places. Man is limited but God is unlimited. When you tap into His wisdom and grace then you come into the realm of the impossible. In this realm anything is possible at anytime even the dead being raised alive. Hallelujah that you have entrance into this realm through the Holy Spirit. There are many deceiving spirits that seek to control you but your life is hid in Christ. Purpose now to remain in His presence and you and yours will be protected from the evil one. It is tempting to give up when things don't go as you plan but remember the Lord knows the end from the beginning. Keep the end in mind and you will never lose heart. The end is victorious and splendid and you are a winner.

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