Sunday, April 15, 2012


The Lord says that His will is for His people to have faith and not to waver. During these times many will lose heart and say where is God? God is near and He is listening to the cry of His people who are desperate for divine intervention. When faith rises then God will rise and come. God is welcomed where faith is strong. Faith is the key to divine intervention. Your prayers are being heard. Just keep the faith and do not waver. He is with you and goes before you. Exercise faith all the time for then you are depending on God and not on self. Self is ready to take over when things are going fine. No even in good times it is important to walk by faith. Faith will open your eyes to the minions who are interceding for the nations. God desires that all of creation is redeemed. Pray that the forces of evil will be stayed and that the forces of God will overcome during these end times. God's people must devote their time to prayer and not to worry. Worry is a sign of lack of faith. Faith beholds the end and rejoices in it now. Keep the end in mind. It is a victorious end.

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