Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Praise God who calls you to come to Him and then chooses to reside in us. He will see through us and others will recognise Him through us. Imagine someone looking through the window of your heart? Your eyes are your window. You see through your eyes and others see you through your eyes. You could see love through your eyes or lies. When you walk in the Spirit you walk in love and feel His love and peace and joy. When you walk in the flesh you will experience all the feelings and thoughts of your flesh life. This is so simple. When you are down you must be walking in the flesh because you feel down and out. In the Spirit you never feel down and out because how could you? When the Saviour of the world resides in you all you feel is love and joy. There is no weakness or sin in the Spirit. He is pure joy and love and peace. Nothing can take Him away from you. He is your peace. Personalise every word of God and you will find yourself wanting more. His portion is yours by faith. When you feel down remind yourself whose you are. In this way you cancel all other agreements and agree with God.

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