Friday, September 14, 2012


The Lord is good and His goodness is over you. He is your strength and your light. He walks with you and talks with you. He is a pillar of fire by night and guides you through your walk daily. God is good and there is no one who can replace Him. He is your Creator and in Him you will find your peace. His word is a light unto my path. His life is a spring of water to my tongue. I will speak of His mercies every day of my life. My life is hid in Him. There is no way but His way. He gives me thoughts and His thoughts are higher then my thoughts. His heart is bigger then my heart. I love Him because He loves me. His love is like no other because it is eternal and never changes. He lives in me. His Spirit keeps me strong and bold. I have no confidence in my flesh because it is worldly and keeps me in the rut. My flesh binds me while His Spirit frees me. I therefore choose to walk by the Spirit then by the flesh. For every fleshly thought, He gives me His thoughts to fight my thoughts. I love Him because He first loved me.

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