Monday, October 08, 2012


The more you operate in the Spirit the less the flesh has control over you. Any addiction can be overcome in the Spirit. Small addictions and big addictions are the way the flesh operates to control you. The flesh likes rules and regulations. This gives the flesh a sense of security although it realises it is flimsy security. The defences of man keep you sane from the challenges of life especially in relationships. The defences are mental mechanisms to keep you from feeling defeated and blamed. All blame is shifted to another because guilt is too painful to bear. The thief justifies his behaviour by rationalising it. This is defensive behaviour. So also addictions are like bad habits that become automatic. Even addictions to foods come in this category. Pray in the Spirit and allow the Spirit to dismantle your defences and set you free. In the Spirit you operate on a spiritual plane and depend on Him to protect you. He is in control of all things. The more Jesus is proclaimed Lord the less self will have a say. Hallelujah.

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