Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Jesus is Lord of all. He has won the right to be Lord of all. He offered Himself as a sacrifice for all. He has now risen to rule from heaven over all. His enemies are His footstool. In Him all things hold together. He is the author and finisher of your faith. It is faith in Him and His word that will enable you to reign with Him. He has appointed you to rule on earth in His name. He has given you the authority to do in His name what he has called you to do. Therefore look to Him for everything just as He looked to his Father for everything. God is able to do more then what you can think or desire. He is Lord of all. Therefore go and be a light to the gentiles. Do not be ashamed of your standing in Him. Rather rule and lead as the head. Act as if you are Him on earth as He is in heaven. You will find all the spiritual resources you need to conquer all. You have a mission and to this mission you have to apply all your attention to. He will lead you one step at a time and it is only when you look back that you will see the tapestry He has weaved.

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