Thursday, October 25, 2012


The Lord is good and His banner over you is love. When you enter into the realm of the Spirit you are able to think and feel like the Spirit of Jesus. Is this not amazing. He is in you and will fill you as you allow Him to. He is the Author and Finisher of your faith. He is able to do anything through you. This is why He promised that you would do greater things then He did when He walked on earth. His Spirit in you is able to do it. Love and humility will be the mark of His Spirit in you. The old you will die a death and the new you will come a life. This is the transformation that will take place as you surrender all to Him. This is the work of grace in your life. Therefore place your life on the altar as a living sacrifice totally surrendered to Him. You will marvel at His work and His glory will shine through you. Many will marvel at His work through you and come to Him. God is working in the world through signs and wonders and all man can do is stand and gasp at His works. Prepare yourself for this end time works of the Spirit. Praise Him for all His works and delight in Him always.

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