Monday, December 30, 2013


An ASPIE is a person with a social/Communication disorder and repetitive, ritualised behaviours and special interests. He/she is very rigid in his/her thinking and likes rules and routines and is averse to change. Lot of their thinking is in black and white terms and they exercise very little imagination. Jesus came to overturn the rule bound religion of Judaism. The Jews were proud of their religion and the Pharisees prided themselves in keeping to the minituae of the law. Jesus came to show us a new way to live and that abundantly. His way was above the law because it was by His Spirit and not by flesh. The flesh likes to keep rules and is very judgemental. Jesus way is by faith and full of grace. Jesus spoke in parables and so the listeners had to use their imagination to interpret them. An ASPIE would find this very confusing and pointless. Jesus spoke the truth but the truth was veiled to those who were blind and could not interpret the meaning. He said things like it is more difficult for a rich man to get to heaven then a camel through the eye of a needle. Such statements would be confusing to an ASPIE who would interpret this literally. Therefore I would say that Jesus would not fulfill criteria for an ASPIE.

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