Friday, May 22, 2020

Death Where Is Your Sting?

Death is a final destination for all of us on earth. We were taken out of dust and to dust we will return (Gen 3:19). There is no finality like death. Life stops. However Jesus promised us life. He died that we may live. He overcame death for us. God did not design death, only life. Sin caused death. The devil causes death because his mission is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). In the garden of Eden there was the tree of life which did not produce death. However the tree of the knowledge of good and evil produced death (Gen 2:17). When Adam tasted of this tree he ate of the fruit of death. 

 Jesus is our tree of life. When we eat at His table it produces life (John 6:54). He came to reverse the fruit of death and offers His life so that we may have eternal life. His Word and Spirit produce life. Our spirit was reborn and now we can enjoy the fruits of the Kingdom of God. When we eat of the tree of life, Jesus, we become like Him. His righteousness, peace and joy fill us to overflowing. Now we can live in the overflow to bless others. 

Death has lost its sting (1 Cor 15:55). Money cannot buy life. Only faith in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross can give life. What a holy transaction. This new life is available to all who will trust in Him. This is the message that the whole world needs to hear. Nothing else matters in this life, for it will end soon. Jesus promises eternal life and it begins here and now. This is the pearl of great price that money can't buy. Come and eat of the fruit of life today.

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