Thursday, May 14, 2020

What Is Your Narrative?

We all have a story. For some the story is full of positive experiences. For others full of fear, deprivation and loss. The main story line in your life determines the outcome of your life. Your story line determines your choices. Those who fear  and procrastinate  or avoid and delay making a decision. This delay can be costly. Those who have positive, successful stories take risks more often and so make greater breakthroughs in life. What does one do if the story line is negative? There is a way out.

Jesus came to rescue us. He saw our depraved state and realised we were helpless. We were bound to our sin and fallen state. He created us and felt responsible to help us get out of our dilemma. He came as the sinless Son of God to rescue us. He is able to change our story from helpless to helpful, from negative to positive, from fear to love. This is the salvation He has promised to all who will call on His Name to be saved. There is no other Name under heaven by which man can be saved. Call on Him today and be saved from your story to His story. His story is eternal. You will be assured a place in heaven. He has promised eternal life. Can you think of a better offer than this? Why delay your decision. I have tried it and it works. Jesus will come through for you. He is not mere man and He never lies. Surrender your life to Him and be saved from your negative story.

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