Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Timeless Eternity

Timeless Eternity

Is this an oxymoron? Time is an earthly concept just like space. We are limited by time and space and so we orient our lives around this. Time is finite in that death is a reality and therefore an end of time for each one of us. Timeless means there is no concept of time. Eternity is where God resides and He has no beginning and no end. He therefore operates beyond time. Timeless eternity is therefore a dimension that is beyond time. God operates in this dimension. God is infinite while we are finite beings. We have a body and a soul and a spirit. Our spirit is housed in our body. Our spirit is connected with God who is spirit. We have the ability therefore to connect with God. However our mind limits us in many ways. Our mind dictates our actions and this is how we operate. Once we become alive in the spirit we enter a new dimension of timeless eternity. This is what is called the born-again experience (1 Peter 1:23). Our spirit was dead but now has been awakened from the dead and is alive in God. Jesus came to reconnect us with the Father. Sin blocked our ability to connect with God. Jesus’ death abolished the power of sin over us and reconnected us back to God.

In God now we have a new life. We are a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). The old has passed away, the new has come. We now live and operate in God's dimension of eternity where time is not a limiting factor. Each day is eternal as there is no yesterday or tomorrow. Today is the day to live fully as today is eternal. This blows our mind; but this is where we need to live, above the limitations of time and space. We have eternal life as His new creation. Death is no more an issue, for we have already died to the world (Col 2:20). We are now seated in heavenly places in Christ (Eph 2:6). We now operate as spirit beings  in the flesh just like Jesus did when He was in the flesh. We can do the same works as He did and greater works because He has gone to be with the Father (John 14:12). The Holy Spirit is in us now to enable us to speak and do according to His good pleasure. What a life, what a destiny we have in Him.

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