Sunday, July 12, 2020

I AM Lives In You


Jesus said He would come and live in us when we receive Him as our Lord and Saviour. How is this possible when He has ascended and lives at the right hand of the Father? God is spirit and can be present in more than one place. We cannot limit God by our human understanding. God operates in many dimensions. It is impossible for us with our finite minds to comprehend the awesome God we serve. He is the Creator of the Universe and we are His creation. How can the created being question the Creator? Jesus said He abides in us and we abide in Him (e.g., John 6:56). In fact, the Three-in-One God resides in us: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 


We need to believe in our heart that Jesus is risen from the dead. Many question whether He really rose from the dead. The gospel is powerless if He did not rise from the dead. Jesus resurrected Lazarus after he was dead for four days. The same Jesus lives in us. He can raise us from the dead when we operate as if we are dead. There are parts of us that are dying, especially our physical bodies. Some battle with a loss of function due to stroke or an accident. The I AM today can give life to these parts. If we believe He is alive then anything is possible. 


One word from the Lord can bring life. Jesus sent His word and healed them. The centurion came to Jesus and said his servant would be healed if He would speak the word of healing (Matt 8:8). The centurion was lauded for his faith. Today Jesus lives within us, so how much more can we expect Him to heal us. Believe that His presence within us can and will heal us. Let Him take over. Let go of areas where we have limited Him by our thinking. Now think how the great I AM in us can do anything to restore us to our original design.

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