Wednesday, July 15, 2020

We Are One In The Spirit, We Are One In The Lord.

There is a song we used to sing which was very popular during the Charismatic Movement: We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord, and they will know we are Christians by our love.”  This is true and should be the way we are, but the fact is far from the truth. What we see is petty divisions that keep us divided rather than united. Why is this so? The devil majors in division and we are ignorant of his tactics. He divides and rules. It is high time the church sees this and unites under one Holy Spirit. There will be those who will continue to follow a different spirit. Just like the wheat and the tares, we should let them be. It is time for the true followers of Jesus Christ to unite and defeat the enemy of our souls.


The only way we can unite is to follow the Holy Spirit. He will unite us by giving us a language of the Spirit. In the Spirit we will be of one mind. When we are of one mind then all that matters is to please Him and glorify His Name, Jesus. Nothing else will matter. Like the first church we will lay down our lives for one another. We will be looking out for each other and serving one another. There won't be power struggles and all will acknowledge Jesus as Lord. Only the Holy Spirit can do this. I have experienced this in small groups. Jesus ministered to thousands but His small group of twelve turned the world upside down. The same can apply today. A united group can do wonders in spreading the good news and see the world turned right side up. At present, the world is on a downward trajectory to destruction.


Will we unite or let things take their course? I pray that we will unite, for there is no other way to see His Kingdom come. This is the opportune time to unite as we face chaos and destruction all over the world. The Corona virus was sent to destroy. We can now unite in Jesus as the antidote to the virus. Let us give the devil a headache. What he meant for destruction can be turned around for revival. Will you join me in uniting with Jesus as Lord and let His Holy Spirit unite us to overcome?

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