Friday, August 28, 2020

Only Prayer Can Remove The Scales From The Eyes Of Unbelievers


Scales on our eyes is a way of describing how people are blinded from seeing the truth. Many of us are blind to certain things and we call this our blind spot. The gospel is hidden from some and they can't see because the god of this world has blinded them. Paul mentions in Romans 11:25 that the eyes of the Jews are temporarily blinded till the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. This kind of blindness is a form of mind blindness. I can see with my physical eyes but I fail to understand. I can see a work of art but fail to see the depth and beauty that the artist sees. To see is to behold the depth and beauty of the truth that is hidden. Only the Light can open our eyes to see. 


The gospel is also good news that can open blind eyes to see. We are so programmed to see like the world which is mainly through our senses. However there is a world beyond our senses and we need to be spiritually aware to see this greater world. When we only see what we see with our physical eyes, we are bound to the physical world. We can be psychologically blind and not understand the workings of our mind. We interpret everything we see and hear through our physical senses and are blind to the psychological world. So we misunderstand others because we fail to see the hidden meaning behind their words. So also we need to be spiritually aware to see the spirit world. This is a higher realm beyond the physical and psychological worlds. Only those who are spiritual can perceive spiritual matters.


God is spirit and He can only be known through our spirit. God created us as spiritual beings in an earthly body. He has given us the capacity to commune with Him. However our spirit is dead until we are born again. Our spirit then comes alive and our spiritual eyes are opened to see. Now this is like having scales removed from our spiritual eyes. Our blind eyes see when we become a new creation in Him. This is only possible when God opens our eyes to see. When we seek Him we will find Him. This spiritual blindness in unbelievers can be removed as we pray for them. When the Spirit moves whole cities and nations will come to know the Lord high and lifted up. Now is the time to pray for nations to see and be made whole.

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