Saturday, August 15, 2020

Give, Live, And Build. Reverse The Devil's Strategy Of Steal, Kill And Destroy.


The devil is the master at stealing, killing and destroying. We see this in every aspect of life in this world and he is known as the god of this world. Are you then surprised by what you see in the world We are to reverse the effects of his workings and implement God's strategy of giving, living and building. This is the only way to implement God's will on earth as it is in heaven. We have to use the strategy of reversing everything the devil does. We should partner with God in this mission to save His world. In every department of life, we need to apply this principle and defeat the devil and give him a headache.


During these days we are faced with death and challenges to our very existence. The whole world is being held hostage to the COVID virus and many are suffering loss and death. The whole world is grieving and in pain. We need to be the answer to the world in providing a way of escape. We need to fast and pray and do battles in the heavenlies and also provide for needs down here. We can meet needs by giving and supporting vulnerable groups. Pray for all those in the front line of this battle. Pray for leaders who need wisdom in making the right decisions, provide shelter to those who need it and food where necessary. These are some of the ways we can be light and salt and show forth God's goodness.


We don't have to wait for a crisis to do this. This is a lifestyle we need to live by all of the time. God is good. He will reverse every evil intent when we surrender to Him. This is His world, although at times we wonder. The Bible is clear that Satan has a limited time here till he is sent to hell for ever. Meanwhile we need to watch and pray and be the solution and not the problem. The church needs to rise up and stand in the gap. God will have mercy and deliver us if we trust and obey. Stand for justice and righteousness and, as in the days of Abraham, God will hear our cry.


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