Sunday, August 30, 2020

Rational Mind Versus Intuitive Mind.


The rational mind is the logical mind that thinks through the information we receive from our five senses. Our mind then processes this information in a logical way that we can accept. This is done on a background of a template we all have that gives meaning to our thinking. This thinking process is conscious and generally linear in mode. It makes good common sense of problems and seeks to give understanding through rational processes. This kind of understanding is how we are educated in schools and science is based generally on this mode of thinking. What is outside the parameters of logic is not entertained in this paradigm. This means that other factors outside consciousness are rejected because they are beyond our conscious experience.


Intuitive thinking however goes beyond our senses and includes all aspects of thinking, both conscious and sub-conscious. The intuitive mind is not limited in any way and will entertain the most remote possibilities. Some of the concepts cannot be measured and are largely felt. God and other spiritual matters fall into this sphere of thinking or experience. The arts and philosophy would also embrace this form of thinking and experience. Some talk in terms of a sixth sense that exists beyond the five senses. Dreams and visions are often explained using this form of thinking. Spiritual experiences also are often explained using this form of thinking.


To the rational mind, intuitive thinking is irrational as it cannot be measured. What cannot be measured falls into the category of nonsense. God created us as spiritual beings. We deprive our spirit by rejecting what is our creative and God-like character. Many find this kind of experience frightening as it challenges their rational mind. Madness sometimes is likened to irrational thinking. So most of us would rather remain safe and not delve into this area of mystery and uncontrollable spheres or dimensions. 


God is beyond comprehension. The Bible states that those who come to Him must believe He is real. Belief is irrational as it operates in faith to comprehend things that are unseen. We cannot see God but we can experience Him. We cannot see the wind but we can see the 

effects of the wind. Many who can't explain miracles are confounded and confused by what they see. Our minds need to shift to see beyond the rational and then it is like, " once I was blind but now I see."

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