Tuesday, October 20, 2020

God Spoke, Wrote, Saw And Lived His Word.


God created the worlds through His spoken word. There is power in His spoken word. From nothing He created the worlds. Imagine the power of His spoken word. Yet He formed man from dust (Gen 2:7). He breathed His Spirit into man and gave man life. Man was created in the image of God. He had the same potential as God. He could speak the word and create like God. This ability was lost when man fell from grace and came under law. So we see the evidence of it today in lawlessness. Yet God was merciful and gave man a way out of his mess.


God gave man His written word. The Bible is the infallible, Holy-Spirit-inspired word of God. His word contains power that when released by faith can perform wonders. His word has stood the test of time. It is still the best seller amongst books sold. Yet many treat it as just a work of literature. Satan tries to cancel the power of His word by claiming it is just a book of fables for bed-time stories. However those who are enlightened can see and believe.


God saw it was good when He created the worlds and all that is in them. The stars, moon and sun and galaxies are His creation. We need to see His word with the eyes of our heart to believe. Vision is the language of the heart. Those who fail to see are blind. This blindness causes them to miss the life that flows from the living word. The blind man asked Jesus to heal him. Many ask the same question today but fail to see. Sight comes when we believe. Unbelief keeps us in our blindness. Lies then replace the truth. Truth always enlightens and makes us see.


Jesus came as the living word. He was the word made flesh. He was from the beginning and came as the seed of God and lived amongst man. God knew that man needed to see before they could believe. Thomas said I will believe when I see the nail prints in His hands. Yet many believe having not seen and to them faith made them see and believe. We must trust His Word for it is living and gives life to all who will believe. Today trust Him for His salvation full and free.

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