Friday, October 16, 2020

Speak Boldly To Your Mountain And See It Removed


God spoke His Word and created the world and all that is in it. God's word has creative power. God has given us the ability to speak the creative word and obtain the same results. We were created in His image with the same ability. Jesus said we would do His works and greater works to the glory of God (John 14:12, 13). Why don't we see this in our everyday lives? We don't see it because of the lack of knowledge and faith. Jesus said whatever things you ask, believe that you receive them, and you will have them (Mark 11:24). Only believe. There is a gap between what we say we believe and what we actually believe. This gap keeps us from realising the desired outcome of our belief. How can we redress this gap?


Jesus said anyone who confesses Him as Lord and Saviour will be saved and have eternal life. We believe this yet our lives do not appear to evidence this belief. We may believe this with our head but not our heart. Heart belief is not the same as head belief. We must believe in our heart to see change happen. Maybe this is the reason for so many unbelieving Christians? If God's word is true then what He says in His word must come to pass. Those who believe will see their mountains move. These mountains can be disease or disorder. Whatever you are struggling with or is hindering your life is a mountain. We can see that mountain removed in Jesus’ Name. Do we believe this ?


Believing is central to any change. Prayer is based on belief. I believe God hears our prayers but most prayers do not go beyond our ceiling. Why not? Because the prayers are not backed by a belief that what is spoken will come to pass. There should be no ifs or buts when we pray. When we pray we must believe that what we pray will be done on earth as it is in heaven. There is no disease or disorder in heaven. Therefore we can believe that when we pray that our mountain be removed, it will be so. Come today by faith and speak to your mountain and see it removed in Jesus Name.

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