Saturday, October 31, 2020

Whose Report Are You Listening To?


In these days of fake news, we need to discern whose report we are listening to. There are so many negative reports that we are bombarded with daily through the media. This only instills fear and not hope. There are very few positive reports reported as they are not newsworthy. In this world negative reports appear to be the sign of progress. The world revolves around negative reports. It is as if the media likes to spread negative news because people like to feel positive by listening to the failures of others. This is like putting your neighbour down to feel good. Does this sound familiar? In a world that is filled with winners and losers, this is not surprising. 


On the other hand the Gospel is the good news that we need to listen to and to spread. The Gospel of salvation in Jesus is the only news we need to hear. When we are able to hear His report then all other reports will fade into oblivion. Hearing God is possible. We can hear Him through His written word, the Bible. We can hear Him through the still small voice. He speaks through nature and the beauty of His creation all around us. We can hear God through each other and circumstances. God is speaking but are we listening? 


I am always waiting to hear God speak. He is my greatest source of knowledge and wisdom. He gives me life and that abundantly. I shut out all other voices and wait till I hear Him speak. I cannot live without hearing Him speak. You will hear Him if you give Him time and listen. His voice is clear and your spirit will come alive when you hear Him. All other noises will recede to the background. His report is positive and uplifting. He knows the end from the beginning. His beloved waits on Him and listens to Him. Come now and let us sup with Him and be encouraged.

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