Saturday, October 31, 2020

You Only Need Supernatural Power To Attempt The Impossible


Supernatural power is available to those who believe in God. God is a supernatural being. He operates in the realm of the impossible. We operate in the natural and have the ability to do what is natural. However we were created in the image of God and therefore have the ability to go beyond the natural. This power was made available to us through the resurrection power of Jesus. When we connect to Him we become like Him. He lives in us through His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit provides the power to do the impossible. How do we avail ourselves of this power?


This power became manifest in us when we were born again of the Spirit. Salvation is only possible through the supernatural power of God. We were born again when our spirit came alive through believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus. We  were baptised in the Holy Spirit and endued with power to operate in the Spirit (Acts 1:5, 8). In the Spirit we are able to do what only God can do through us. When we surrender to Him sickness and disease are healed and the dead are raised alive. This is supernatural power. Jesus promised that we would do His works and greater works when He ascended to the Father (John 4:12). Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. He now ministers through us by His Holy Spirit upon us.


What a tremendous power we have in the Spirit. Yet how little of this power we avail ourselves of in our daily lives. Could this be because we are not attempting the impossible? We are happy living our lives in the natural because we have the ability to do so in our own strength. God is calling us to attempt great things for His glory. This is the time to do  so as the world is waiting for the revelation of the sons of God. Will we step out in faith to attempt the impossible? I am prepared to do so. Lord help me to step out in faith and see Youdo the greater works you promised to do through me for Your glory.

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