Sunday, December 16, 2007



Conscience is the science of moral development. Conscience grows as knowledge grows. Your conscience is the result of years of grooming in the Word and life experience. Life experience without knowledge leads to a warped conscience. Children learn through experience and later their knowledge informs their experience. This is why the Word says that you need to be transformed by the renewing of your thinking. Your thinking changes as you read and meditate on His Word. Experiences in the world will give rise to certain ways of thinking and doing. The Word then washes your mind and renews your thinking which then results in new behaviour. Ultimately what you read and see determines your thinking. This age is bombarded with images and sounds that influence their thinking and so their conscience. Visual imagery gives a person a virtual sense of life. It deprives him of reality because he lives in a virtually bombarded world. People who live and move with people know what reality is. Fantasy is encouraged through virtual reality. The TV has robbed many of a real sense of reality and therefore their consciences are seared by the virtual reality displayed on the screens. This age has lost its touch with reality and therefore they don’t know what is real and what is an illusion of the real. Their consciences are seared and they live as if their lives are a motion picture and they are the actors. What a travesty this is to live one’s life in this way and at the end realise that it was all in vain. This is the reason for the increasing alienation of society from the heart of community. When one disconnects from community then life becomes a lonely journey on planet earth. The return to community living is the only way to stop this slippery path to alienation. The increasing breakdown in relationships is one indicator of this alienation. Multiple partners are just play things for play boys and girls. Life is a merry go round and there is no meaning or purpose. This will result in increasing suicide and destruction. Wars will increase as war is a sign of alienation. Wars bring people together for a common purpose. Internal wars erupt into external wars and peace is beyond your reach. Disillusion and despair will result in annihilation of the human race.i

Sunday, October 28, 2007



The truth sometimes hurts. However it is important to be aware of the need to support people who fear the truth. Jesus never condemned anyone even though he spoke the truth. The Pharisees hated him for this. You can never control the reactions of another. They react in response to their own guilt. Instead of taking responsibility for their guilt they will direct their reaction to another and blame the other. In this process they damage not only themselves but others. Sin will always cause you to blame others then take responsibility for it. This is why wars are fought because mankind is controlled by sin. One action leads to a reaction and before you know it, the initial action is covered by multiple reactions. The issues concerned are covered up by the reactions and lost in the process. Feelings control further actions and defences are up and cloud the issue. The issue is survival at any cost rather then looking at confronting the sin that caused the reaction. War is inevitable for blame and counter blame has clouded the issue. Always confront the issue and responsibility for it and defuse the situation. Reactions never get you anywhere. It just confuses everyone as you get lost in the cloud of fire and smoke. You are fighting the fire rather then solving the issue. Confront the issue and put out the fire.

Saturday, October 20, 2007



Precious is the Lord and His faithfulness and goodness is above measure. He is the crowning glory of my life and in Him I am satisfied. I am His and He is mine and in Him is everlasting joy. I love the Lord and He is the source of all my being and love and life. Without Him I am nothing. In Him I am. I am a person and in Him I feel complete. Therefore as I carry the light of life in me, I am the light of life. This is a most glorious and amazing statement. Jesus said these words and He and I are one just as the Father and Jesus are one. The Holy Spirit now makes this a now experience. This follows that I have the capacity to be like God because God is in me. Yet I know I am human and prone to sin. The sin consciousness will enable me to be more God conscious. When sin tries to control me I have an escape through the Holy Spirit to overcome in the Spirit. Hallelujah what a salvation. So now nothing is impossible for me because God lives in me. God’s address is me as God resides in me. So when I see this then I walk in awe and look for God in others. For every kind of sinful behaviour I will look for the opposite good in the other. A lying tongue hides truthfulness. A jealous heart hides love. I will look for the opposite good in the bad rather then look for the bad in the good. This is a change in perception for I will look for the positives then the negatives. The world will focus on the negatives. Once the negatives are peeled off then the positive will emerge. When you see God in others then you will stop looking for the negative. i

Monday, October 01, 2007



The Lord is good and His faithfulness is for ever. He is abundant love and His ways are higher then our ways. He is above all things and in Him all your desires will be met. He is the Alpha and Omega and in Him all things have their being. His righteousness will keep you in His ways. He is a God of justice and might. His might will overthrow the rebellion of the wicked and His house will be sanctified. God is moving in these days to claim His people from the ways of this world. God is preparing a bride for the return of His Son, Jesus. All who wait for Him will be satisfied. This waiting is a test of patience for it requires trust and diligence. Only those who are prepared to wait will know the experience of the joy of waiting. Time is not a factor in God’s agenda for He is eternal. You too need to think and move like God to know His mind and purpose. His purpose is to redeem all mankind and not just a few. The time has come for His minions to invade planet earth and redeem all who call on Him. He has made us in His image and our hearts will only be satisfied in Him. i

Monday, September 03, 2007


3/9/07 HABITS

Habits are like patterns that follow a set trail and is automatic. Behaviours are also habitual. These habitual behaviours then become part of one’s normal routine operation. This then becomes a normal neural pattern in the brain. The brain executes this pattern and this becomes a part of your character. This then dictates how you lead your life. Such patterns can be changed as new patterns are executed. Like routines can be changed so also patterns. Change is difficult but once the pattern is set it becomes easy. All of life is to do with how we behave. We can be friendly or difficult. Both are patterns, one based on love and the other on fear. By faith the fear based behaviours can be changed to love based behaviours. A change of heart will result in new behaviours being established. Therefore much of what you see as behaviours are just a exhibition of fear based or love based patterns. Medication is not the answer to this. Habits can only be changed through a change of heart. Behaviours can be controlled but real change comes through a heart change. Jesus came to give us a new heart and then put His Spirit in it to enable us to live a new life based on love. His love changes us and we become new creatures. However we trust our old familiar patterns and resist the change into the new. Change is threatening as it moves away from deep held beliefs that have been ingrained in us through generations. Departing from this familial pattern is like betrayal of the family. True conversion is like that. It is following a new pattern. The old is gone and the new has come. This takes time but God is able. Therefore trust Him to help you change as you allow Him to change you by the renewal of your Him

Sunday, August 05, 2007



Thoughts are the source of your abundance or poverty. The thoughts you entertain will determine the outcome of your day. Jesus always thought what His Father thought and therefore His life was filled with the Word of God. The Word of God then became flesh so that we could then have the life of the Son of God. This is what Jesus has done through His death and resurrection. His life becomes your life in the flesh. Now you have the Word of Life within you and His life in you will create and not destroy. This is what the world needs. His Word, not just in print but in life. His thoughts then begin to do the life giving work of restoring your life as He designed it for. Your destiny is now in Him. His thoughts become your thoughts. All you now need to do now is to reject the thoughts that are sent to oppress you. This is the battle that goes on in your soul. Now you know how to fight this battle by calling on the Lord. This what Jesus did when He was attacked. He went to the Father to seek His face and returned to minister empowered with His thoughts. This is what finally determines the outcome of your life, your thoughts. Come now and be refreshed with His thoughts today

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Inner healing

21/1/07 Inner healing

The key to release in the present is to be able to wipe out the past. The Holy Spirit will wipe out the past and give you a new tape. The memories of the past will be present. What He wipes out are the emotions associated with the memories. A hurt memory has power to imprison more then a physical prison. Once the hurt associated with the memory is removed then what is left is a print out. The print out has no life then what it is, a print. The life in the memory is in the emotion associated with the memory. This the builds in fear and guilt. Once the fear and guilt are removed then you are free to be. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit pours in His love and now you are no more bound by fear but by love. How therapeutic is this. The healing love of Jesus comes in as you surrender to Him and by faith receive His healing. Now in place of fear you only feel love. Your perceptions change and therefore you see situations in a different light and therefore your responses are different. You no longer have to go over the past tapes to revise them. The revision is unnecessary because there is nothing to revise. Everything is new and clean. Now through the power of the Holy Spirit you begin to put in new programs based on love and not fear. Fear clouds everything you do if you have never known love. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to love out fear and guilt, the main emotions that cripple many lives. As you listen to the Holy Spirit, He programs you with His loving words. Your memories change and you begin to see and do in a new way. You attempt new things and you set new goals. Faith, love and hope are the new language of your heart and mind. You take every step by faith and this builds up an experience that enables you to take further steps.

Friday, January 19, 2007


19/1/07 Living at peace with oneself

God reveals His mind to those who seek Him. It is so good to know that I can seek the Lord’s mind when my mind is assaulted with negativity. Satan will try to discourage and pollute my mind but Jesus saves. Jesus saves me from the pollution by cleansing me with His blood. He cleanses me so that I can be free from the influences of the world, ego and the devil. All these 3 challenge me daily. I seek the Lord when I am undergoing trial and temptation. He pulls me through and up and above these clouds of despair. I despair of myself sometimes at the thoughts I have but the Lord comes and saves me from their assault. I am safe in the hands of the Lord. I don’t have to run away and hide. I have a hiding and resting place in Him. At the end of the day I have to live with myself. I can never be safe in the presence of another how ever close that relationship is. The only safe place is with the Lord. The Lord and I are a majority and in Him I have eternal peace and bliss. It is living in the presence of the Lord that secures my peace and rest and joy. Come my soul and rest in the Lord and His salvation. A man who knows how to live at peace with himself has found life.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Practicing the presence of God

17/1/07 Practicing the presence of God

God is present with you all the time. He is therefore available to you all the time. He is never absent from you. You feel Him when you need him. He is closer then a brother. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent. This means that His presence is there all the time. This should make you glad for His presence is the essence of life. His presence is what gives you meaning and purpose. Without Him you are nothing. With Him you have everything for life and love. This is why the active practice of the presence of God is so important. Prayer is the active practice of the presence of God. When you go about your life practicing the presence of God, you become the light that shines in a dark world. All the demonic activity in darkness is dispelled as the light casts out the darkness. Therefore practice the presence of God today and see how the light will bring peace and His presence into your surroundings.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Jesus and His Word are one

12/1/07 Jesus and His Word are one.

The bread that Jesus speaks of is His Word. His Word eaten has eternal life in it. You will never be hungry for it is like manna from heaven. It nourishes every area of your life. Without His Word you will decay and perish. His Word will preserve you for eternity. His Word is like a preservative except that the preservative in this case gives life. Life is in the Word. Jesus and His Word are one. You cannot separate Jesus from His Word. His Word gives life. In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men. This is the Word that He is talking about when He refers to the bread of heaven. The Word of God has life in it and the power to give life. Man’s word has some power but God’s Word has power unlimited. Therefore when you eat His Word you have the power of the Word in you. The Word of His power then goes out and does the work that it was sent to do. Therefore let His Words so fill you that you will have His now Word available when you need it. The devil is opposed to his Word. When you know His Word it will keep you from the attacks of the devil. The devil will always seek to destroy the power of His Word but His Word will destroy the devil. So cling to His Word of eternal life.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Fresh move of the Spirit

7/1/07 Fresh move of the Spirit.

This is the year of the Lord. In this year many more will come into His Kingdom then ever before. God will manifest Himself in varied ways to peoples of various tongues and colours. This is the year of the harvest of the nations. The Spirit will move freely across the earth. There will be signs in the heavens and signs on the earth. The Lord is coming soon and these events will be the herald of His coming. There will be a fresh move of the Spirit amongst the youth. They will come forth as a force to challenge the secular trends on the earth. The hearts of the fathers will be turned to the Lord because of the faith of their children. The lame will walk and the blind will see. Many will rise from the dead. Yet many will see and not believe. God will move into impossible situations and make creative miracles. God in His mercy will sweep across the land. Australia will see for the first time a revival of souls that will cause the waters to break forth and water the parched and sunburnt land. Many areas will be under water. All this will happen this year and near to the month of September. Thus saith the Lord.