Saturday, May 21, 2011


The heart of flesh is what man needs to live an abundant life. The heart of stone has developed because of fear. The heart of stone can never see the needs of others. It is blinded by the defences of a life that has grown to protect itself. The heart of flesh relies on God. Only a heart that has received the light can have a heart of flesh. A heart of flesh is alive and vibrant. It does not seek its own but looks out for others. It is alive and therefore can sense everything around it. A heart of stone is dead to what is around it because the stony heart hides from everything around it. A heart of flesh will rest in God’s providence and not rely on man’s providence. The Spirit of God dwells in the heart of flesh. What man needs is a heart transplant. This is possible in Jesus Name. He transforms you from an inward focussed person to one who is outward bound and looking for opportunities to serve. Giving becomes a way of life and there is nothing too difficult. Such a person is held by love and knows no other language then the language of love. Love will overcome every barrier and sin and evil force. Jesus showed the way and He will work through you to open the way for redemption.

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