Friday, May 27, 2011


The power on high is available to you because Jesus has gone to the Father. You are His representative on earth now to represent His love and grace. His power flows through you as He sanctifies you by His Spirit who lives in you. This is the essence of grace in that He supplies all His ability to overcome what you can’t in your own strength. God wants you to use the talents He has given you and He supplies more when you require more then what you have. His supplies are unlimited. Yet He wants you to be dependent on His power. His power through you enables you to live a supernatural life. You don’t operate in your own strength now but in His. When you sacrifice all to Him then He releases His resources to you. These are resources that will sustain you when you need it. Material resources help but cannot sustain you when the pressure is high to give in to the world, flesh and devil. The spiritual resources you require to fight every demonic onslaught will be available to you. This is why you don’t fight flesh and blood but spiritual powers in high places. His weapons are required to slay the enemy of your soul. So fight the good fight in His strength and prevail

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