Monday, May 02, 2011


Praise God that he is able to help those who are His. He watches over them and cares for them. He is always there for them. He is the One who promises to help them when everyone else leaves them. God is able and He is able to do much more then you can think or imagine. He is above all and full of love. He is a generous God. He gives freely because He lacks nothing. He gave His only begotten Son. There is no limit to how much He can give. He gives freely to all who ask Him. He is the giver of life. When the water flows freely then more will be supplied to flow through you. You hold back only in fear. You will lack nothing because God lives in you. He is full of abundance so when you give then you will be blessed. There is so much joy in giving. Giving is a way of life. When you bless others then they will want to bless you. Love always wins. There is no lack in love.

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