Friday, May 20, 2011


When the Holy Spirit fills you then He changes your script to a new script, His script. Your script developed over the ages through life experiences slowly dissolves to be replaced by His script. This script is His word that washes and cleanses you. The old script just bound you to a way of thinking and feeling that resulted in death. The new script brings life and that abundant. You revel in the new life for it is full of life giving words and energy. This new energy penetrates into the core of your being and revitalises every cell in your body. When the Lord calls, He provides. God never calls you to do something without providing the means to do it. God works through His Spirit and therefore He who owns a thousand hills can do what only He can do. When Jesus walked on earth He depended on His Father to provide for His needs. There was more then enough because He depended on spiritual forces. The angels ministered to Him. The Holy Spirit led Him to the Cross. He healed all who came to him through the power of the Spirit. This is the way you will live as well. No more dependent on man but on God. A spirit filled life lives and moves in the spirit.

1 comment:

Milo said...

thank you and God bless you