Sunday, January 29, 2012


Jesus sacrificed His life on the Cross. We are called to sacrifice self on the Cross daily. This is the only way to be filled in the Spirit. Self will always want first place. Selfishness is ingrained in our psyche. We must surrender self to Him. In surrendering self we commit our body and soul to Him. This is the flesh life that threatens our spirit. Our spirit must have dominion and not our flesh. It is our will that needs to decide to sacrifice self. The Holy Spirit will help us when we call on Him to help us. Our flesh is weak but our spirit is strong. Don't give into the flesh for this is sin. God demands a total sacrifice of your self. There is no other way to have power with God. Satan and his demons will conspire to make your flesh strong and give into temptation. Check your thoughts and turn them away from fleshly distractions. The desires of the flesh will fuel your thoughts. When you are able to rein in your fleshly thoughts then you are able to control your fleshly desires. Pray much in the spirit to empower your spirit. In the spirit you will receive spiritual thoughts that will enable you to overcome your flesh. Identification with fleshly thoughts will result in sinful acts. Distance yourself from your fleshly thoughts. You will then be able to see them as thoughts and not identify with them. Identification leads to personalisation which then deprives you of control over them. Watch your thoughts.

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