Friday, January 20, 2012


Praise God from whom all mercies flow. Praise him all heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He is worthy to be praised who was and is and is to come. God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. When you are connected to Him then you will see what works He performs. In God you are able to do and expect the miraculous. Without Him you operate in the realm of the natural. With Him you operate in the realm of the supernatural. God works His wonders to perform. He is marvellous in all His works. He will supernaturally invade your life and perform works of healing and miracles. You will stand back in awe at His wondrous works. Your perceptions will change and you will see others as God sees them. You will expect Him to work and intervene in your daily life. There will be the miraculous that invades your daily walk. You are walking in the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. You welcome the spirit world into your daily walk. Now you are able to do the impossible and expect the impossible. What was appears as if it was no more. He will wipe away all your tears and give you joy. Praise Him all day and night and be at peace.

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