Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I am a sinner saved by the grace and mercy of God. His righteousness is imputed on me by His sacrifice on Calvary. Now I am free from the guilt and power of sin. I stand righteous on the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Now I am free to be because all my burdens were lifted on Calvary. I am no longer a sinner in the eyes of God but a saint. He sees me as a blood washed son and not a sinner. I must now walk in the righteousness of Christ and not slip back to the old sin filled life of my past. Now this is the battle I have to fight daily because I am still in the flesh. One day I will be totally free from this conflict when I am with Christ in heaven. Jesus had to fight the same battle because He was a man. He experienced the same temptations of the flesh but was sinless. It is because of His sinless sacrifice that I can now claim His righteousness as mine. Now I have access to the Holy of holies because the curtain has been torn down and the veil that separated man from God has been lifted. This is the good news of the gospel and everyone needs to hear it and be saved. There is nothing else in life more important then this message of salvation. Many have tasted it and fallen again because they have tried to work out their salvation through the flesh. Only the Spirit can do it as I surrender all to Him. Thank you Jesus.

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