Friday, February 24, 2012


Fantasy is the capacity of the mind to enter into wishful thinking. It is self indulgent and an escape into unreality. It serves to gratify the flesh which is condemned to die. Why waste your energy in fantasy when the end is death. People who indulge in fantasy live in a make believe world and not the real world. It is an escape like drugs are an escape into the nether world. Demons live in this world and you are open to their influence. Fantasy is a killer for it is an escape and not a solution to your problem situation. Imagination on the other hand is creative. Many confuse fantasy with imagination and vice versa. To be real is to be grounded in what is and not what was or will be. You are here now and you feel and think in the now. Fantasy is a creation of your fallen mind that seeks to escape from present reality. Fantasy can never replace reality. You can waste your life in fantasy and never really live. Many live in this unconscious world of fantasy. They try to make it a reality but it is never the same. Reality confronts whilst fantasy pretends. It is like building castles in the air. It vanishes as soon as you waken. It is like a dream state. Confront your fantasy with reality, that is, become conscious of it and you can cut it off.

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