Sunday, February 26, 2012


Truth will finally win out. Therefore hold on to the truth for it will give you the hanging on power. Remember truth is eternal and therefore whatever may challenge it in an era will be reversed. Truth can never change. It can be compromised but never change. Why invest in the sale or counterfeit when the real is available. New Age is the devil's alternative to the truth. Mixed in is the truth which has been compromised. The devil is good at duplicity and imitating the real. It is an illusion. Fantasy and illusion promises you much but gives you nothing. Why invest in fantasy when all it gives you is temporary pleasure. You need to choose what is eternal. What is eternal is based on truth and not on lies. Don't give in to the temptation to invest in what is temporary. When you invest in what is eternal your life will take on an eternal quality. The fruits of the spirit are eternal. Love, joy, peace, these are qualities or values that last forever. Everyone desires love and joy but few experience it. This is because they have not invested in these virtues. Where your heart is, there your treasure is. Invest in God's Kingdom and reap a harvest of plenty.

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