Sunday, February 19, 2012


Think with your heart. How do you think with your heart? You listen and respond to what comes out from your heart. You stop reasoning with your head. You withhold your critical faculty of your mind. You look for spontaneous thoughts. These spontaneous thoughts bypass your mind. It is like praying in tongues. You don't think with your mind when you pray in tongues. Praying in tongues prepares you to tune into your heart. From your heart or spirit arises knowledge and wisdom from above. You connect with God's Spirit and He communicates with you through your spirit. God wants a heart relationship with you and not a head relationship. Head relationships do not last long. A relationship using your head alone is bound to fail in the long run. It is heart to heart communication that results in healthy relationships. When one communicates with the heart and the other with the head then a break down in communication occurs. Practice communicating with your heart and see how your relationships will grow and flourish like a well watered garden. Many fail in relationships because they fail to communicate at a heart level. Loving from the heart is different from loving from the head. Giving from the heart is different from giving from the head. Heart love produces a different kind of fruit from head love. Head love is dry and insipid. Heart love is juicy and refreshing. Fruit from the desert is different from fruit from the tropics. Imagine eating dried dates and juicy pineapples. Think with your heart and flourish.

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