Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Mighty to save are you O Lord. In your hands are the victories of life. The forces of evil come against your children. You alone are able to save us from the evil one. Evil is so real yet truth is even more real. Light is brighter then darkness. Where darkness prevails death and destruction will prevail. Yet when people pray then the darkness is removed. God's people must pray and push back the forces of darkness. In Him alone is salvation. In Him alone darkness has been overcome. In Him alone was Satan defeated on the Cross. This is why there is no other way to be saved but through Him. Pray and prevail. As long as Moses prayed the enemy was not able to advance. This is the only way to overcome. In this rationalistic world darkness is seen as light. Satan presents himself as an angel of light. Death and disease are not of God. These are evils that we should not accept. God is eternal and He has given us eternal life. The body may die but the spirit lives on. Live in the spirit and crucify the flesh. This is the only way to live abundantly. All negativity must be laid down and crucified. There is no place for negativity in your life. Negativity will attract the demons. Send them to hell by calling on the Name of Jesus and be washed in His blood. The blood of Jesus cleanses like none other. In His blood is life. Let His blood flow through you and cleanse your body, mind and spirit.

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