Friday, July 06, 2012


The powers of darkness are rising at this time as the end of the age nears. Men will be deluded by the forces of darkness and compromise will prevail. In every area of life, even in church, watch out for the spirit of compromise. Fleshly messages will be spoken from the pulpits. Messages to tickle the ears and not for the heart. The Cross will be despised and the gospel watered down to be good stories rather then lessons to be learnt. All across society the values that have kept the family and biblical values will be attacked. Like a frog in slowly heated water will acclimatise to the surroundings so will the church acclimatise to the world and be destroyed. Only the few will hold on till the end. Fight the good fight of faith and let your life be counted for the gospel. Are you ready to die for it? If not, you too are just a number in the masses that are going for the ride and will compromise. The flesh will refuse to die and will try to wiggle out of situations that will cost you. Have you counted the cost in following Jesus. Many who follow Him today will fall out because they followed Him for fleshly gains. The Cross is costly and will demand complete surrender. You can only do this in the spirit. Be filled in the Spirit and never lose sight of the goal of your faith, to glorify Him.

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