Tuesday, July 17, 2012


The heart of man is deprived because man has lost the art of communicating in the spirit. The Spirit communicates through pictures and makes the heart feel His presence. When you communicate facts rather then feelings then the heart does not comprehend. The language of the heart is intimate and arouses warm feelings. This is why good communicators are able to talk in pictures. They arouse pictures in you that communicate a message to the heart. Jesus taught using parables to illustrate the Kingdom of God. These parables were based on practical examples like the widow's mite and the prodigal son. They described a scene that resulted in a appreciation of the lesson. So also when you illustrate through pictures you are able to describe in words and communicate  your desires and wishes to another. When you lose heart you become deprived and enter into despair. Many try to fill their need for an empty heart through things and intellectual pursuits. These are all distractions. A spirit filled man fills his heart with spirit filled thoughts and feelings that enrich his soul. An enriched soul will be generous. It will love like Jesus loved by giving up His life for me. A love starved world will turn to any ism that promises to fill the need. Therefore love and reach out to those in need and let the spirit fill the need through you.

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