Monday, July 30, 2012


Precious are the moments with the Lord. He is Jehovah Jireh, my provider. He provides for me. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. His word is so needed for the nourishment of the spirit. Your spirit and soul are nourished through His word. Without His word you can't feed your spirit. His Spirit in you will reveal His rhema word to you. It is His rhema word that brings life. Hs word is only bread to those who can see. To see you have to believe. This is a heart belief and not a head belief. One uses your head to decide but with the heart one believes to salvation. You need your brain to process information but only through your heart can you believe. This is why emotions are so crucial to belief. When you experience His word you are connecting at an emotional level to a real person. Jesus connected with His disciples and made Himself known to them. Now He connects with you through His Spirit and makes Himself known to you personally. His written word is an account of His dealings through people like you and me. Now He does the same with you and me and you write a new epistle of His dealings with you. His dealings with you are His acts through you.

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