Sunday, July 15, 2012


Faith believes the impossible is possible. Faith rests in the fact that God is real and is present to help you. Faith denies the facts before you because it rests its case in God. God has said so must be its logo. This is not blind faith but faith based on evidence of God's dealings with man. What has been proved by millions is now handed down to you. Blind faith is not based on evidence. The Bible is God's evidence of His dealings with man. His dealings with Israel is to demonstrate His power and authority over all creation. Man is limited to his 3 dimensional world. God is in the 4th dimension and sees from above. It is like having a aerial view of a city rather then a view of what is before you. A study of a mass in detail is different from a study of the whole. The whole is much more complex and this where science is limited in its theories. God created the worlds and that is the only explanation that has stood the test of time. Now your belief in this will change the way you deal with His creation. Now you will see all things working together for good rather then be in despair over one small upset. You will contend with evil as a warrior for God rather then submit to evil. What is not of the light is evil and of darkness. Therefore walk in the light as He is in the light.

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