Sunday, December 16, 2012


Heavenly Father what do I do when the world suffers violence? Jesus suffered violence. Man through the fall has turned violent. He cannot control himself as fear grips him. The only response to fear is to fight or take flight. You become the oppressor or the oppressed. Only love can heal the terror of fear. The devil rules this world through fear. Man fears man and therefore needs arms to protect himself. Arms are a deterrent to violence but this is a thin line. Once fear steps over the mark then action will prevail. It is no different now as it was then. Fear entered the heart of Adam and Eve when they sinned and ever since then fear has ruled the heart of man. Jesus overcame fear through death. This is the only way to overcome fear, through death. When you identify with His death then you too can overcome fear. Identification with your Master releases His power. Faith is released to receive the power that can overcome the enemy. Therefore now let His love heal the wounds. Violence is a present reality in this world. Only love can cast out fear. Therefore love at all times and never give a foothold to the enemy of fear.

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