Sunday, December 30, 2012


God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Your circumstances may change. You may change but God never changes. In prayer God remains stedfast and you change as you gaze on His face. Prayer mainly changes you. It never changes God. He sends His angels to comfort you. He sows His thoughts into you and changes you. Much time in prayer changes you to be like Jesus. Prayer takes you away from the realm of self seeking to listening to God and His voice. When you gaze on Him and sit in His presence you will reflect His glory. When you intercede for others then His angels will go and carry out His instructions. There are an army of angels at work to do according to His bidding. When men pray the angels get to work. This is why prayer can do wonders. The sick become whole and the captives are set free. The enemy is thwarted and light shines into darkness. The Spirit works through prayer and nothing is impossible in the spirit world which is eternal. This physical world is temporary and is engulfed by the spirit world. Therefore when you operate in the spirit, you operate above the natural in the supernatural. Today ask for supernatural faith to move mountains.

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