Saturday, December 22, 2012


Praise God who controls all things. He is the God of the Universe. The Universe is His and he resides in you. What can go wrong when He is in control. The devil maybe in control of this world but God is in control of the Universe. Therefore the devil is just a monkey doing his tricks in God's world. When you are connected to God then the devil's tricks cannot overcome you. God will send His angels to protect you. All you need to do is submit to Him. Obedience is thicker then blood. In God's Kingdom it is obedience that leads to sonship. You are a son and a son obeys his master. In this union nothing can come and spoil the fellowship between son and Father. Therefore rejoice and be glad for the temporary trial you are going through is nothing compared to the glory awaiting you. Trust Him who has called you and prepares you for great things before you. Each day is a new day to experience God and His favour over you.

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