Sunday, December 23, 2012


God is good and He is forever seeking to commune with you. The distractions of this world keep you from communing with Him. You were made for fellowship with Him. He is very near and He is omnipresent. So close is He that you can almost feel His presence. As you enter the zone of His presence you become transformed in His presence. This is a surreal experience but real enough for it to be real. He is closer then anyone you know because He lives in you. He gives life and every breath you take is from Him. Your Creator lives and therefore you have life. Life is in the Spirit. Once the spirit leaves your body it is dead. The spirit is like breath. You breathe in the spirit of God. Yet He is a person who resides in you.God is external to you and internal to you. He is omnipresent. There is no way to explain it because he is the great I AM. We are just His creation and in Him we move and have our being. Therefore rejoice today that you are alive. Let none of the evils of the flesh torment you because in His presence they dissolve into vapour. Imagine this, your internal conflicts are nothing compared to His great love. His love in you will extinguish all conflicts. You will become love for God is love.

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