Sunday, December 09, 2012


In Christ there is hope everlasting. In Him alone is there salvation. There is no other Name under heaven by which you can be saved. There is no other Name then the Name of Jesus. Many others have come and gone but the Name of Jesus prevails. His Name is above every other Name and in His Name there is freedom. He came that you may have life and that abundantly. His life is in the power of a eternal now. He is your Saviour now. He is your Provider now. He is your Healer now. Everything in God is now. The enemy will try and get you to think in terms of the past and the future but God is in the now. There is no time factor with God. Time is a product of death. Man is limited by time bur not God. When you operate in the Kingdom of God there is no time factor. A minute is like a million years. Therefore learn to live in the now and never postpone what you can do now. Live and act in the now. This is the time to give and love. There is no tomorrow. Today is the day of salvation to everyone who believes. Come now and be saved. No amount of thinking is going to change things. It is when you believe that you will see His salvation. Therefore step out in faith and take the hand of God and walk with Him into the unknown. He will lead you step by step into eternity.

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