Friday, January 31, 2014


Jesus said that if I abide in you and you abide in me then you can ask anything and I will grant it to you ( john 15:7). This is so powerful that we can ask anything and He will grant it to us! All I have to do is let Him abide in me and let His words abide in me. How foolish we are not to heed His call. The Creator of the world wants to abide in us. Imagine that. He does abide in us because we have asked Him to. Yet He chose us and called us to be His own. Now we can ask anything in His Name. Is anything too hard for The Lord? No nothing is impossible to Him and to him who believes in Him. Therefore let us abide in Him for it is this union that leads to answered prayer. It is not just the prayer but the union with Him that results in answers. This is the key to answered prayer, our union with Him.

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