Monday, January 06, 2014


God is work in you to desire and to do. God 's work is a new work each day. You are His hands and feet. You represent Him on earth as He represents you in heaven. Each day look for opportunities to serve Him. Consciousness of His presence in you will enable you to do things beyond your abilities and expectations. This is how you prove that God is alive in you and project His presence to others. God's work is a good work and He will bring to pass all things in His time. Time is not a limitation for God. God operates by faith and He responds to your faith in Him. God is good and He loves to respond to your faith. Pray at all times for this will prepare you for the opportunities that will come to you. You will attract good when you are in God. Goodness is part of Godliness. In God all is good. He perfects those who are in Him. Now lavish His love on others for there is no limit to His love. Never operate in the flesh which is limited by your senses. Always operate in the spirit.

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