Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God. God's word is like manna to the soul. Without His word people die of hunger. Hunger for His word is a sign of health. His word nourishes your soul like food nourishes your body. His word is a light to my path and a guide to my life. His written word needs to become His rhema word before faith can take hold of the promises that dwell in it. His written word is like any other word till it transforms you from within. It is His rhema word that has power to transform . It is when the heart is affected that change occurs. Mere intellectual accent does nothing to the heart. A heart that receives His word is transformed and lives are changed. This is how the Spirit works through His word. You hear the word and the spirit then transforms it to His rhema word which then changes lives and situations. You can speak to the mountain and it will move.

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