Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Word Of His Power Transforms Like No Other

The word of His power is not the same as the power of His word. The word of His power is not limited since His power is unlimited. The power of His word on the other hand is limited by the word. See the difference? When you meditate on God's word it takes you into different dimensions of His power. This is why reading His word is not enough. We need to meditate on His word, because His word has many dimensions. When we tap into His word we are changed from one state to another. God spoke His word and created the universe. Jesus spoke the word of healing and the lame man walked, the blind man saw and the deaf man heard. How can a spoken word have so much power to change a person from one state to another?


We have listened to talks where we became convinced of a subject by the power of the speech. Words are powerful to induce change. We know of talk therapies that induce change in the recipient. Words induce a change in perception. Lies can do the same and induce fear, whereas loving words can elicit feelings of love. Words are powerful change agents in everyday life. Advertisements bombard us daily through words and images to convince us to buy a product. There is power in words. However God's power is not limited by words. His power is limitless and His word carries His unlimited power.


God's unlimited power can change anything. He operates in the realm of the impossible. When we meditate on His word we get empowered. Fear loses its grip. We can soar on eagle wings. We will renew our strength. How can we live without meditating on His word? God says that man will not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Yet we neglect His word. We would rather listen to the opinions of men, showing how stupid and careless we are to reject His word. We hear of the Ten Commandments being removed from institutions which were founded on them. Religious education is belittled in schools. When God's word is belittled the nation regresses into moral depravity. It's time we meditateon God's word and releaseits power to change lives and nations.

Transformation In The Spirit Affects Your Body And Soul.


Transformation is a powerful word that changes you from what was to what is. We are a new creation in Christ when we receive the Spirit of Christ in us. This is not just a change of mind set but a transformation of our spirit. Our spirit is born again. Our born-again spirit now has the potential to transform our body and mind. The Holy Spirit comes to reside in us and to fill us. As we are filled in His Spirit, we become more like Jesus on earth. We begin to reflect His image. His presence now pervades us and we transmit His presence to all around. This is a supernatural encounter. Only the Spirit of God can do this. This is true conversion.


Our transformed spirit now begins to transform our mind and our body. The more we are filled in the Spirit and walk by the Spirit, the more we are transformed. This is a process. For some it happens in a twinkling of an eye. For others it is a life-long process. It is all dependent on the extent of our surrender to Him. He has given us a free will and He waits for us to call on Him. The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He helps us in our walk. Jesus said He has not left us alone but has sent His Comforter. Now we need to cooperate with Him daily to walk according to the Spirit. 


When we become one in the Spirit we could be raptured into His presence. This is the glorious presence of being with Him in heavenly places. Some have experienced this transformation and visited Jesus in heaven. The extent of the transformation is limitless. God is limitless and with Him anything is possible. He walked on water, healed the sick, delivered the captive and rose from the dead. We too have the same potential since He resides in us. Only in the Holy Spirit is this possible. He is calling us to a deeper walk with Him. Will we heed His call?

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Everything On Earth Is Temporary. Nothing Is Permanent.


On earth everything that we see and know is temporary. Death is a reality. Everything has a time limit. All things made will fade over time. Some things increase in value but they are still destructible. Nothing is permanent. Yet we put so much time and effort into these things, both animate and inanimate. Why are we so stupid to think that what we have will last forever? We fail to comprehend the truth because we live mainly in denial of the impermanence of life as we know it. Yet God has promised us eternal life in Jesus.


Jesus came to restore us to the original state, which was designed to exist for eternity. Adam and Eve were like God and enjoyed freedom and authority on earth like God. But through the Fall everything became limited due to death. Death became the cause for a lot of destruction through the ages. Man turned against God and God turned against man. This sad story continues today as we continue to rebel against God. We want to conquer death through our own means and be like God. How can the created be like the Creator?


In our foolishness we gave up what God intended for good and exchanged it for our own selfish desires. We became god created in our own image. Therefore God gave us up and let us go our own way. We see the consequences of the Fall in everyday life. We have become so immoral and selfish and worship ourselves and our achievements. We were made in the image of God and so have the potential to achieve much, but it is all in vain. Death hounds us in every corner. What is the way of escape? Only Jesus promises us eternal life and a restoration back to the original design. Choose Him today to be your Lord and Saviour and enjoy eternal life now.

Thy Word Is A Lamp To My Feet And A Light To My Path.


God's word is like a lamp that shines in the darkness. We need light when we walk in darkness. Without light we will grope in darkness. Watch the blind man walk and you will observe how he gropes around using his other senses to direct him. So also when we walk in darkness we need a light to shine and reveal the path we need to take. God's word is a light that shines and reveals the truth and directs our paths.


In these days of fake news the only hope we have is in His Word. His word was given to us so that we would know His ways. However most people choose to reject His word. God has given us His written word, the Bible, to know His will. He has also provided us with His living Word, Jesus. His word and Jesus are the same. His written word became flesh. This is a mystery but so true. When we read His written word it becomes flesh to us. His word is living and it changes and transforms us into His image. 


The light of God’s word keeps us sane. His word is so powerful when added to faith and results in signs and wonders. God spoke His word and created the world and all that is in it. We can speak His written word and see. It illumines our mind. Once we walked in darkness. Now we walk in the light as He is in the light. Let us meditate on His word and see Him manifest in our lives.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Spirit Of Man Is In His Seed


We are all familiar with seeds. When we sow a seed we expect to see the fruit of that seed. Apple seeds will produce apples. Orange seeds will produce oranges. A good seed will produce good fruit. A bad seed will produce bad fruit. This applies to all creation. Adulterated seeds will produce fruit that are adulterated or mixed. We hear of animals of pure breed. This means that the ancestral line of that animal is from a pure stock and unadulterated. The pure breed has the spirit of its ancestry and carries value. God planted His seed into us and this is imperishable seed. This happened when we were born again. The imperishable seed of God was implanted in us and we are now called children of God. We have a Heavenly Father.


Human seed likewise carries the spirit of the personchild carries the spirit of each parent. The characteristics of the parents are handed down through their genes to their children. Some personality traits of the parents can be seen in their children. We hear of the common phrase, Like father like son. If a son steals, the blame is put on his father. If the father has a short temper, his child may have the same trait. How does this apply to human transmission of spirits through artificial insemination?  Seeds of both parents are passed on to the child. What effect does this have on children where the seeds are not of the parents? Is this a form of adulteration?


How does God see such children? God hates adultery. Does this apply to artificial insemination too? These are tough questions for parents who are unable to conceive either due to lack of their own seed or other issues. God joined a man and women to procreate and bear children of their own. If this then crosses boundaries what is the cost to the child? Yet God has provided a way of escape. The natural seed of the parents only applies to the earthly life. There is a higher life that each person can receive through the imperishable seed of God. This seed cancels all other forms of inheritance as it is eternal. Natural seed is perishable and therefore limited to this life. Praise God He has provided an imperishable seed that replaces and provides eternal life. This is the seed of the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Partisan Politics And The Rule Of Justice.


Many of us have been bombarded through the main stream media of the results of the recent election in USA. There appears to be a great deal of exposure of corruption in the system. Yet the corruption is only voiced by one side. Why is this so? I believe we have all been taken up by the story of one side whether liberal or conservative. Our beliefs will determine the narrative that we support. In this world we are faced with fake news and corruption and not the absolute truth. This is how the world operates and the god of this world infuses the minds of people to embrace lies. Lies appear to have a power greater than the truth. This battle is fought on different fronts: personal, family, community, work place and politics. Therefore don't be surprised when Christians too take sides.


Truth takes a secondary place when power and greed take over. We see power battles everywhere in the world we live in including the church. Jesus came to cancel these evil powers and show us the path to peace and truth. He said He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). When we seek to acknowledge Him as Lord then we choose to walk in His way. Why then do we still see divisions amongst Christians? Well there are unbelieving Christians and believing Christians. There is always the false amongst the true, the tares amongst the wheat. This is what we have to live with. We are called to live a higher life and for a higher purpose, the Kingdom of God.


The Kingdom of God has one King and His Name is Jesus. When we acknowledge Him as Lord then all other kings have to bow down to Him. It is not politics but righteousness and justice that should lead us. We need to pray for truth and justice in all areas of life to prevail. In this way the Kingdom of God will be established on earth as it is in Heaven. This is where the spiritual warfare takes place. We need to dethrone Satan and enthrone Jesus. We are called to be a body united for this purpose and appointed to take a stand in all areas of life. Who will heed His call? Will the church rise up and take a stand during these days of trial and challenge? It starts with each one of us.

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Toxic Relationships And How To Manage Them


Relationships are important but there are good and not so good relationships. We were born into a family and we have no choice in who our parents and siblings are. However we still have a choice even in our families who we will trust and who we will keep at a distance. Friendships we can choose. Good friends are like gold as they last for life and build us up. Toxic relationships destroy and we have to say goodbye to some. Jesus chose twelve disciples yet all of them left Him when He was arrested. One even betrayed Him and got Him arrested. 


Toxic relationships are difficult to change. Like an alcoholic sompeople become dependent on certain relationships even though they are destructive. Change is difficult and sometimes we need to hit rock bottom before we take charge. We need to be wise and not get stuck in relationships that are not helpful but hurtful. We see this in domestic violence situations where the woman repeatedly hopes that her partner will change in time. Many don't, as in most of these relationships the couple are stuck in a co-dependent relationship. One person must decide to leave the relationship for the sake of both.


God wants a relationship with us. His love is unconditional and non-judgemental. We need to cultivate our relationship with each other in a similar way. We cannot afford to continue in relationships that lack respect and love for each other. The time will come to say goodbye to some. Foster the ones that build and are dependable. We need to cultivate this in all our relationships to stay healthy. It is not an offence to leave relationships that are toxic. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. We need to be wise in who we choose to call friends. Don' t waste your time in trying to save those who do not wish to be saved.

Sunday, December 06, 2020

The Law Of Attraction Is Demonic In Nature And Based On Familiarity.


Many have heard of invoking the law of attraction to attract wealth and prosperity. This law states that what you believe will come to you. If you think and believe in wealth then you will attract wealth. This is quite a popular theory and many have been seduced by it. However the underlying spirit could be demonic in nature. Why do I say this? Attraction can be a familiar spirit. A seductive spirit will attract similar seductive spirits. This seduction is evil although it may look innocent. Any spirit in me will be attracted to a similar spirit in others. A lustful spirit will attract other lustful spirits. Birds of a feather flock together. This is what the law of attraction is all about. If one does not discern the spirit behind a movement then it is easy to get trapped into it.


This will also apply to other areas of life. Addictions are a good example. If I am addicted to alcohol then I will be attracted to other alcoholics. The spirit of alcohol is the attraction. Alcohol is not evil in itself but once it controls my life then it becomes an addiction. So also other deviations, sexual or physical, can result from the attraction of similar spirits. Could this explain how many get into trouble because what appeared innocent now has become a problem Money is not evil in itself but the love of money is.


What is the way out of this situation? Firstly it is difficult to see it is a problem till the addiction becomes a problem due to its consequences. Gambling is not a problem till it breaks up a marriage or bankruptcy results. One can see how an innocent activity has become a snare. This is where such addictions are demonic in nature. One needs to repent and be delivered from the spirit of addiction. With Jesus this is possible. He came to set the captive free. There is no other lasting solution. Today be aware of attractions that may end up in addictions.

Saturday, December 05, 2020

Evil Thoughts And Thoughts Of Evil


Our thoughts are what makes us human. There are several sources for our thoughts. We receive thoughts from God, the devil, the world and ourselves. We have millions of thoughts daily even when we sleep. Most of our thoughts are at a sub-conscious level. Our thoughts affect our feelings and sometimes we are not aware that our feelings were sparked off by our thoughts. We are aware of our feelings but rarely do we connect our feelings with our thoughts. They are connected and this is the basis of cognitive behaviour therapy. Our thoughts are powerful and determine our actions. When we have negative thoughts we become depressed and withdraw. When we have positive thoughts we feel happy and have a good time.


Evil thoughts are sudden thoughts that we receive out of the blue. We may be doing something and suddenly this thought crosses our mind. We think it is our thought but it is from the enemy. The enemy cannot read our thoughts but he can send a negative vile thought to us. This is why we need to discern the source of our thoughts. We get confused and blame ourselves for entertaining these negative thoughts. Refuse to accept responsibility for these thoughts. Resist them for they are like fiery arrows sent to discourage and attack us. 


Thoughts of evil on the other hand are our own thoughts that we entertain. These maybe jealous, hateful thoughts or sexual lustful thoughts. They usually are sparked off by an event or situation. We need to take responsibility for these thoughts and reject them and not entertain them. If we do entertain them, we sin. We need to repent of these thoughts. They pollute our minds but there is a way out through the cleansing blood of Jesus.  There is always a way of escape from temptation. We have to make the choice to entertain or reject these thoughts. God is holy and we are called to be holy. This starts with our thought life. We are the temple of the living God. The Holy Spirit resides within us and He will alert us to unholy thoughts. Come and be cleansed today in the blood of Jesus and be set free.

Friday, December 04, 2020

A Life Lived On Lies Is Like A House Built On Sand.


We grow up in a world where lies are common place. We learn to lie to avoid offending others and to escape punishment. As a child we tell lies to escape punishment from our parents or teachers. We lie to each other because we want to avoid conflict. Lies are a common feature of living and sometimes we tell white lies to each other. A white lie is still a lie although we justify the lie to avoid hurting others. This becomes a habit over time and then we are not even aware that we are telling a lie. Our conscience becomes seared and we become a liar to others. Trust is reduced and relationships break down after a lifetime of operating on lies. This is the sad story for many. We have difficulty trusting liars, and trust is a basic building block to any relationship.


In all areas of life we find that lies tend to be part of the modus operandi. Truth is rare as we are faced with fake news daily. When we lie to ourselves then it is easier to lie to others.  We justify our behaviour by telling ourselves that everyone does it. Secrets thrive on the bed of lies. Secrets destroy lives. So what is the way out of this mess? We need to be prepared to tell the truth at any cost. Jesus said that He is the Truth. A life built on Him must be on truth. We can't say we follow Him but continue to lie. He said a man who says he has no sin is a liar. Only God is sinless.


We must confront our sin of lying. Lies are like birds that fly around till they can build a nest. Once the nest is built, it is very difficult to stop lying. We must daily walk in repentance and confront lies in thought, word and deed. This is the only way to break the habit of lying. Truth must be told at all cost. This may not be the way of the world but we are not of this world. We belong to the Kingdom of God. When we speak the truth in love, we make long-lasting friendships. People can trust us for we will keep our word. We will do what we promise to do. Let us come to the place where we will change the trend of the world and be truth tellers for His glory.

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

God Is Interested In Policies, Not Politics.


God established laws for our good. He delivered the Ten Commandments to Moses to help people know what is right. He knew man would not be able to keep the commandments due to sin. Yet He provided the laws to reveal the sin of man which would rebel against the laws. So we see today the work of sin in our lives. Only He can deliveus from the power of sin. He did this through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Now we are free to fulfil all the laws for we have been set free from the power of sin. Yet man refuses to obey and prefers his own way of doing things. So we have systems of government instituted to maintain law and order. This comes in different forms dependent on the policies of the governing authority. Democracy is a form of government as is socialism and communism. 


There are different policies that governments support. Most are good for the protection and management of the people. However there are some policies that are based on ideology rather than what is good for the people. Some policies based on humanistic ideology promote death such as abortion and euthanasia. Others infringe on issues to do with our gender and rights. There are good policies and bad policies. A policy that promotes death needs to be challenged. This is where we need to know what God says about certain policies. Most people are indifferent to immoral policies and go along with what the governing bodies decide. This is what is happening in our world where politics has taken supremacy over policy. Many are blind to the slow degradation of governments that promote policies that support lifestyles and issues that encourage sinful behaviours. 


We as Christians need to discern the times we live in. Many ideologies which are anti-God have infiltrated society and are supported by fringe groups. We need to support policies that God would support and resist policies that are anti-God. Righteousness and justice are paramount in God's sight. When His laws are broken, death will ensue. All the Ten Commandments have now been broken through bad policies. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. Policies that support theft, murder and destruction are anti-God. This is the time for the people of God to rise up and resist the forces that seek to destroy. We are called to be light and salt in the world. How can we be light and salt if we keep quiet and acquiesce to anti-God policies?

Monday, November 30, 2020

Partnership With The Holy Spirit Is The Key To Victory.


God is three persons in one. This is the Trinity. Many find this concept difficult to grasp. Just as water has 3 parts-ice, liquid and steam-so also God is three parts but one. The Holy Spirit and Jesus were there from the beginning with the Father. They are one but separate persons. By faith we accept this although we may not understand the concept fully. God will reveal this to you and the revelation will be transformational. Jesus the Son came to die for us so that we may be restored to our original status as sons of God. The Holy Spirit was sent to us after Jesus ascended to heaven to help us in our walk on earth.


The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. This is the same Spirit of Christ that in dwelt Him when He walked on earth. Now we too can be baptised in Him so that we may have power to overcome sin and the devil. Without Him it is impossible to walk in a life  of victory. In ourselves we are weak but He is strong. This is why we need the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us. There are many other spirits that will try and attract our attention. The Holy Spirit will help us to discern the difference and and not be deceived. In this world, this is the battle we face daily, for the enemy of our soul will not rest till he defeats us. But we have the victory in Jesus who has set us free from sin and the devil.


The Holy Spirit desires to fill us to overflowing. He will lead us bedside still waters. He is the Spirit of love, joy and peace. When we are filled with Him then we know His love, joy and peace. When our peace is disturbed then we know we are listening to another spirit. Therefore peace is a sign of whether we are walking in partnership with the Holy Spirit. His peace is not like what the world promises. His peace is a certainty and a confidence that all is well. Jesus slept in the boat while the storm raged without. So also in this world we will face storms but His peace will be sure in the midst of these storms. Let us partner with Holy Spirit and be led by Him always.

Friday, November 27, 2020

It Is Time To Enter The Realm Of The Impossible


God operates in the realm of the impossible. He created all things seen and unseen by the word of His power. His power is limitless. He created all things and He spoke them into existence. So also we who know Him have the power to speak and see things that are impossible made possible. This is not just in the spirit dimension but also in the earthly dimension. Jesus spoke and the lame man was healed, the blind man saw and the deaf man heard. We have been given authority and power to do the same and more as promised by Him(John 14:12). It is time we obeyed and believeHis word and entered into the realm of the impossible. Against all odds see what is possible in Him.


God is spirit and we are spirit beings on an earthly journey. When we operate in the Spirit, we become like God in our thinking and doing. Jesus did what He saw His Father doing. We too must see and do what we see the Father doing. This is to be prophetic and see beyond the natural and into the future and bring into existence what is to be. We speak as if it is already done. We hold on to what is spoken and see the reality of it in the now. This is to walk in the impossible and make it possible. God is ready to move. Are we ready to move with Him?


Each generation has seen the move of God in a measure. God now wants to move globally. See how one virus has made the whole world captive to it. Now this is a prelude to what God can do globally through His Spirit. This next move of God will be a global move and all will be able to witness the workings of God. What appeared impossible will suddenly become possible. Our eyes will see the glory of the Lord and all doubt will disappear. We will see with our eyes of faith and begin to expect God to move in impossible situations. All glory will be given to God as we step aside and see Him do the impossible. Therefore lift up your eyes and expect the impossible as you step out in faith to expect God to move in your situation. HallelujahPraise be to God.