Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Transformation In The Spirit Affects Your Body And Soul.


Transformation is a powerful word that changes you from what was to what is. We are a new creation in Christ when we receive the Spirit of Christ in us. This is not just a change of mind set but a transformation of our spirit. Our spirit is born again. Our born-again spirit now has the potential to transform our body and mind. The Holy Spirit comes to reside in us and to fill us. As we are filled in His Spirit, we become more like Jesus on earth. We begin to reflect His image. His presence now pervades us and we transmit His presence to all around. This is a supernatural encounter. Only the Spirit of God can do this. This is true conversion.


Our transformed spirit now begins to transform our mind and our body. The more we are filled in the Spirit and walk by the Spirit, the more we are transformed. This is a process. For some it happens in a twinkling of an eye. For others it is a life-long process. It is all dependent on the extent of our surrender to Him. He has given us a free will and He waits for us to call on Him. The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He helps us in our walk. Jesus said He has not left us alone but has sent His Comforter. Now we need to cooperate with Him daily to walk according to the Spirit. 


When we become one in the Spirit we could be raptured into His presence. This is the glorious presence of being with Him in heavenly places. Some have experienced this transformation and visited Jesus in heaven. The extent of the transformation is limitless. God is limitless and with Him anything is possible. He walked on water, healed the sick, delivered the captive and rose from the dead. We too have the same potential since He resides in us. Only in the Holy Spirit is this possible. He is calling us to a deeper walk with Him. Will we heed His call?

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